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This program features as panelists the Honorable Henry W. Van Eck, Chief Judge of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania; the Honorable Mark J. Conway, Judge of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania; D. Troy Sellars, Esquire, Assistant U.S. Trustee for the Middle District of Pennsylvania; Kara K. Gendron, Esquire, a Chapter 7 and Chapter 12 Trustee; and Jack N. Zaharopoulos, Esquire, the Standing Chapter 13 Trustee for the Middle District of Pennsylvania. Moderated by Sarah Rothermel, Esquire, career law clerk to Chief Judge Van Eck, the dynamic program explores the players in the bankruptcy world, the different bankruptcy chapters, the automatic stay, the bankruptcy estate, the bankruptcy discharge, and how bankruptcy impacts other federal practice. This program is approved by the PACLE Board for 2.0 CLE credits (1.5 substantive and 0.5 ethics). *** For all jurisdictions other than PA, we will provide a generic 50- and 60-minute state certificate for you to self-file and self-report your CLE. ***
Attorneys who attended the live broadcast of this CLE program appreciated the “great balance of variety and depth of content,” describing the program as “very well presented” and “succinct, relevant, informative, and organized.” Attendees praised the panelists for making a complex and often-nuanced subject “easy to understand” and offering “great practical advice” that can be applied in practice.