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Federal Appellate Practice: Tips from the Trenches

Federal Appellate Practice: Tips from the Trenches

This program features as panelists the Middle District of Pennsylvania Chapter of the Federal Bar Association for the next installment of its acclaimed CLE series.  The program, entitled “Federal Appellate Practice: Tips from the Trenches,” features as panelists the Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie (Ret.), former Third Circuit judge and co-chair of Stevens & Lee’s Appellate Litigation practice group; David R. Fine, a seasoned appellate lawyer from K&L Gates and president-elect of the Third Circuit Bar Association; and Carl Marchioli, Chief of the Appeals Unit for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Pennsylvania and former law clerk to both Eighth Circuit Judge Steven Colloton and the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.  Moderated by Nilam Sanghvi of the Pennsylvania Innocence Project, the program explores six areas of appellate practice: mediation; motions and other applications; briefing; oral argument; petitions for rehearing; and ethics. The program is approved by the PACLE Board for 2.0 CLE credits (1.5 substantive and 0.5 ethics). *** For all jurisdictions other than PA, we will provide a generic 50- and 60-minute state certificate for you to self-file and self-report your CLE. ***

Attorneys who attended the live broadcast of this CLE program described the panelists and moderator as “fantastic,” the content as “very informative,” and the presentation as “engaging and interesting.”  Many attendees commented that they appreciated the personal experiences and practical examples that the panelists provided.  One attendee commented: “This was the most useful CLE I have ever attended.”


Bar Information

Please enter your credentials with the State abbreviation followed by the Bar ID number, for example: “PA 1212121”. Please use a comma to separate multiple IDs. For all jurisdictions other than PA, we will provide a generic 50- and 60-minute state certificate for you to self-file and self-report your CLE.

Personal Information