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Deconstructing Depositions: Thinking Backward to Put Your Best Deposition Forward

Deconstructing Depositions: Thinking Backward to Put Your Best Deposition Forward

This skills-based program features as panelists the Honorable Christopher C. Conner, District Judge of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania; Matt Haar, Esquire, Harrisburg office managing partner for Saul Ewing LLP and member of the firm’s Litigation Department, Insurance Industry Group, and Energy Group; and Jennifer Menichini, Esquire, partner with Joyce, Carmody & Moran P.C., in Pittston, focusing on labor and employment matters, litigation, and civil rights defense.  Moderated by Chad Kempen, Esquire, Career Clerk to Chief Judge Matthew W. Brann, the program examines best deposition practices by first considering what makes a deposition effective at trial or for a dispositive motion.  The panelists then offer guidance on how to achieve that end goal through four segments, addressing preparation of plaintiffs and defendants, respectively, for deposition; navigation of practical and logistical matters and ethical issues on deposition day; and special issues unique to expert and designee depositions. This program is approved by the PACLE Board for 2.0 CLE credits (1.5 substantive and 0.5 ethics). *** For all jurisdictions other than PA, we will provide a generic 50- and 60-minute state certificate for you to self-file and self-report your CLE. ***

Attorneys who attended the live broadcast of this CLE program described it as “excellent,” “terrific,” and “a sophisticated presentation of real issues facing litigators.”  Many attendees commented that they appreciated the personal experiences and “very practical” examples provided by the panelists.

Bar Information

Please enter your credentials with the State abbreviation followed by the Bar ID number, for example: “PA 1212121”. Please use a comma to separate multiple IDs. For all jurisdictions other than PA, we will provide a generic 50- and 60-minute state certificate for you to self-file and self-report your CLE.

Personal Information